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SINCE 1994

What is Proxy server?

There are many social networking site that are using millions of people every day. These sites are YouTube, facebook and Myspace. But in different countries these web sites are blocked, and the access of that sites are very difficult no one can access these site directly.


The easy way to access these web sites by using proxy. Before explaining proxy server, first I will explain server, a server is an computer program that services request to other programs on the same computer or for other computer in the network.

In the internet there are millions of servers that are connected to the internet. So when a user request for a download a file or other web page, the proxy server provides this services by connecting to that server that are fulfil the request of user. There are many types of servers that connected to the internet names are content filtering server, firewall server, caching server, anonymizing proxy server, reverse server and intercepting proxy server.

Content filtering server: This type of server are work as that to prevent access to certain URL. Mostly cases these type of servers are using in large organizations to exercise security and control over the company’s resources. It is also used in school and libraries to prevent the access of social networking web sites.

Reverse proxy server: reverse proxy server work as intermediary between the proxy server and the internet, it is also like as set up of conjunction with a number of other proxy servers. Revers proxy server use for to increase security, ability and to encrypt data and to manage the load on all the servers in the network.

Caching server: caching server are working on making a copies of all the information that are passed frequently. The function of this server is good and its use in many large organizations.

There are many types of proxy server to use these servers to unblock any social networking web site like YouTube or facebook, if you want to unblock YouTube then visit proxy sites for youtube.


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